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Wednesday, February 28, 2024
An AAUP Delegation Visits Jenin and Al-Razi Hospitals to Enhance Cooperation

A delegation from the Faculty of Nursing at the Arab American University has visited the Jenin Governmental Hospital and Al-Razi Hospital in the city of Jenin, and held a meeting with the directors of the two hospitals and nursing. This visit took place in order to enhance cooperation and honor the hospitals in appreciation of their efforts and continued cooperation.

The delegation was met with the Director of Nursing at Jenin Governmental Hospital, Jreese Khader, the Director of Al-Razi Hospital, Dr. Fawaz Hammad, and the Director of Nursing at Al-Razi Hospital, Mohammad Sabbah.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024
AAUP Holds Photography, Montage and Sound Engineering Training Courses for Its Students

The Department of Arabic Language and Media at the Arab American University has held two training courses on photography, montage and sound engineering techniques in cooperation with the Radio and Television office at the University.

The Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Education, Dr. Jamal Hanaysheh, said that these training courses were held enhance students’ knowledge, especially in light of the occupation’s efforts to distort the Palestinian narrative and obscure the facts and violations committed against Palestinian journalists. He noted that the University provides its students with the necessary capabilities to graduate students qualified for the labor market and able to compete.

Monday, February 26, 2024
The Conflict Studies Research Center at the Arab American University Holds a Training Workshop for Graduate Students

The Conflict Studies Research Center at the Arab American University in Ramallah has held a training workshop on writing research papers, in which a group of students from the Faculty of Graduate Studies participated. The workshop was facilitated by Dr. Nahid Habiballah in cooperation with Dr. Lana Shehadeh.

This workshop is the beginning of a series of seminars and training workshops that the Center plans to hold in the near future.

Sunday, February 25, 2024
AAUP Academics Participate in Evaluating Student Projects in the Schools of the Directorate of Education in Jenin

A distinguished group of academics from the Faculties of Information Technology and Engineering at the Arab American University participated in evaluating student projects at the Palestine Science and Technology Exhibition organized by the Directorate of Education in Jenin.

This participation comes in the context of the ongoing cooperation between the two faculties and the local community institutions with the aim of raising the status of knowledge among students and providing them with continuous guidance.

Sunday, February 25, 2024
A Student Delegation Visits the Arab American University to Know about the Department of Arabic Language and Media

A student delegation visited the Arab American University to know about the Arabic Language and Media Department, through the Youth Development Resource Center of the Tubas Sports Club.

The student delegation participated in a training course titled “Basics of Media Documentation,” within the age group from 10 to 16 years, within the “Positive Youth Participation” project implemented by the Center in cooperation with the Jabal Al Nar Club.

The training course concluded with a field visit to the Department of Arabic Language and Media at the Arab American University to learn about the department, its educational outcomes as well as student training facilities.

Sunday, February 25, 2024
The Arab American University Participates in the Opening of an Exhibition for Artists from Gaza

The Arab American University participated in the opening of an exhibition for artists from Gaza titled “One Hundred Paintings from Gaza” by twenty-five visual artists, at the Ministry of Culture - Jenin Office, with the presence of a group of governmental and private institutions and other people interested in art.

Dr. Laila Herzallah, Vice President for Community Affairs, indicated that these activities and exhibitions have an important moral value, especially since they are held on the land of the city of Jenin being an icon of the national and cultural struggle.

The exhibition included a variety of paintings that express the country's geography, beautiful nature and living conditions.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024
The Faculty of Medicine at the Arab American University Holds the Mini - OSCE Exam

The Faculty of Medicine at the Arab American University, on the University’s main campus in Jenin, has held the Mini - OSCE exam (Objective Structured Clinical Exam) for medical students in the fourth year of the clinical stage.

This exam is part of the assessment for the training periods done by medical students, confirming the Deanship of the Faculty’s constant keenness to dedicate all skills and capabilities to graduate a group of the most highly skilled doctors at the national level.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024
The AAUP Heart Center Participates in the Health Care Forum in the Middle East and North Africa Region in Dubai

The Heart Center at the Arab American University participated in the Health Care Forum in the Middle East and North Africa region 2024, which is organized by the American Heart Association in Dubai. The University was represented by Dr. Imad Abukhader, coordinator of the Center, Mr. Ahmad Hodrob, director of the Center, and Mr. Farid Abu Lail, a certified trainer by the American Heart Association.

In turn, both Dr. Abukhader and Mr. Hodrob indicated that this forum enhances the international communication of the Heart Center with the rest of the global centers and keeps pace with updates in educational materials and training equipment. They explained that the presence of the Arab American University in such an international forum represents and supports its global role in the field of heart and lung resuscitation and spreading of this culture.

Monday, February 19, 2024
The AAUP Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence Organizes a Drawing Exhibition Titled “The Scene shall Not Be Gotten Used to by Us”

The Hassib Sabbagh IT Center of Excellence at the Arab American University, in partnership with the Tamer Foundation for Community Education, organized a drawing exhibition titled “The Scene Shall not be Gotten Used to by us,” from the texts of “What Happened After Eid.” In the exhibition, paintings drawn by Gaza children were displayed in which they expressed their suffering in the Strip during the Israeli bombing over Eid al-Fitr in 2021 within the course of creative writing.

The exhibition was attended by the Vice President of the Arab American University for Academic Affairs, Dr. Muayad Abusaa, Dr.

Monday, February 19, 2024
AAUP Researchers Participate in the Annual Palestine Forum in Doha

As part of AAUP’s commitment to promoting scientific research and participating in international academic forums, representatives of the University participated in the annual Palestine Forum in its second session 2024, which was held in the Qatari capital, Doha.

The participation included two research papers, the first by Ms. Rola Shahwan, Director of the Library and Archives on the University’s Ramallah campus, and the second was a joint research between Dr. Ayman Yousef, Professor of Political Science at the University, and Mr. Mustafa Sheta, Director of the Freedom Theater and graduate of the Master’s Program in Conflict Resolution and Development, who is currently imprisoned by the occupation.
