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Wednesday, April 5, 2023
AAUP Organizes A Religious Symposium Entitled "Fasting is the Paradise of Believers”

The Department of Fiqh and Law at the Faculty of Law at the Arab American University organized a religious symposium entitled "Fasting is the Paradise of believers", in cooperation with the Women's Work Department at the Ministry of Endowment and Islamic Affairs.

The symposium was inaugurated by the head of the Department of Fiqh and Law, Dr. Khair Aldeen Taleb, with a speech in which he welcomed the attendees, and touched upon the importance of fasting in the believer’s life, calling for conducting charitable work in this holy month.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023
A Workshop on Employing Artificial Intelligence to Serve Business Facilities

The Faculty of Data Science at the Arab American University held a workshop via Zoom platform entitled: "Employing Artificial Intelligence to Serve Business Facilities", organized by the Entrepreneurship and Business Development Center in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate.

Mr. Ayman Al-Mimi, the Director of the Entrepreneurship and Business Development Center, inaugurated the workshop, which was attended by representatives of fifty Palestinian companies, stressing the importance of holding meetings that aim to provide business owners with the necessary knowledge for technological developments affecting the labor market. Mr.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Students of the Medical Association at AAUP Obtain an International Membership in the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations

The Medical Students Association in Jenin participated in the eighth National General Assembly VIII of Medical Students Associations. The General Assembly, in which medical students’ associations from Jerusalem, Hebron and Gaza participated, was hosted by the Medical Students’ Association at An-Najah National University in Nablus.

The General Assembly included training workshops and discussions of the Association's internal updates.

The General Assembly was concluded by voting on the decisions of the associations and voting for the Medical Students’ Association in Jenin to obtain the Candidate Membership, which was a success. The Medical Students’ Association in Jenin became a member in the Palestinian Medical Students’ Association, Palestine PMSA, and the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations, IFMSA. 

Thursday, March 23, 2023
AAUP Offers the First Ph.D. Program of Its Kind in Palestine in “Public Relations, Communication, and Media”

Ramallah: The Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University launched the first Ph.D. program of its kind in Palestine in Public Relations, Communication, and Media in partnership with the Ecole de journalism (ESJ) in Paris.

The program, which will be offered in the academic year 2023/2024, targets holders of an M.A. degree in all humanitarian disciplines, in addition to those working in the field of Media and Public Relations.

The applicant for the Ph.D. program in Public Relations, Communication, and Media is required to have an M.A. degree with at least a "very good" standing or its equivalent, a B.A. degree with at least a "good" standing or its equivalent according to the regular study system, and to pass a personal interview and an English language exam.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Discussion of Potential Cooperation between AAUP and Alpha Omega in Occupied Palestine

The President of the Arab American University, Prof. Dr. Ali Zedan Abu Zuhri, received a delegation from the Alpha Omega Company from the occupried Palestinian lands, who visited the university to discuss ways of cooperation between the University and the company.

The company's delegation consisted of Nabil Sakran and Reem Younus. In addition to the university president, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Muayad Abusaa, Chairman of Board of Directors of Hassib Sabbagh Center, Eng. Muhannad Hijawi, Vice President for Information Technology Eng. Bahgat Ayasi, Deputy Vice President for Planning and Development Affairs, Dr. Sami Sader, and Director of the Quality and Development Office, Eng. Ahmed Fuad.

Monday, March 20, 2023
AAUP Participates in the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Association of Deanships of Student Affairs in the UAE

The Deanship of Student Affairs at the Arab American University participated in the fifth annual meeting of the Association of Deanships of Student Affairs in the United Arab Emirates, which was hosted by Al Ain University in Abu Dhabi. The meeting was attended by Secretary General of the Arab Universities Association, Dr. General of the Association of the Deanship of Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ibtihal Rizk.

The Dean of Student Affairs at the Arab American University, Dr. Bshar Draghmah, and a group of deans from Palestinian and Arab universities from Lebanon, Egypt, Qatar, Oman and Jordan participated in the meeting.

Dr. Draghmah stated, "The meeting emphasized the importance of Deanships of Student Affairs and their central role in building the personality of the university student and refining him/her with the skills and capabilities that help them in their academic and practical university life, which results in a compatibility with the needs of the market."

Monday, March 20, 2023
Completion of a Training Course at AAUP on Chinese Acupuncture in the Ear for Those Suffering from Psychological Trauma

The Arab American University and International Acupuncture without Borders concluded a training course entitled "Treatment with Chinese acupuncture in the Ear to Treat Psychological Trauma" according to the NADA protocol. The training course was held in one of the halls of the University Medical Rehabilitation Complex on the university campus in Jenin.

The course, which was over three days, targeted physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychotherapists, doctors, university employees, governmental, and private institutions. The lecturers were Carla Silar, Director of Acupuncture without borders, via Skype, Dr. Nawal Awad, a specialist in Chinese medicine, Fadia Qamoa Rahal, an expert in Chinese medicine from the Palestinian interior, Ms. Ataf Awad, an expert in psychological counselling, and Dr. Wael Abu Hassan, a professor of health psychology at the Arab American University.

Sunday, March 19, 2023
AAUP Holds A Training Course on Financial Reporting for Accounting, Finance and Data Science Students

The Arab American University and the Palestine Public Finance Institute conducted a training course on public finance and the mechanism of financial reporting. The course, in which the Director General of Accounts at the Ministry of Finance Mr. Ahmad Thuminat gave lectures, targeted students of Accounting, Finance and Data Science, at the Faculty of Administrative Financial Sciences.

The course was inaugurated with a speech delivered by both the Head of the Finance and Data Science Department, Dr. Rasha Abbadi, and the Head of the Accounting Department, Dr. Rajeh Alawneh. In their speech, they welcomed the attendees. They stressed the importance of the course for students who are graduating from the Departments of Accounting, Finance and Data Science. They also indicated that this course benefits the students when they enter the labor market, encouraging them to benefit from the experience of Mr. Ahmad Thuminat.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023
An AAUP Researcher at the Faculty of Graduate Studies Develops A Specialized Criminal Investigation System for Apple Watch

The researcher Mohammad Dawood, an M.A student in Cybercrimes and Digital Evidence Analysis program at the Arab American University in Ramallah, developed a specialized system in criminal investigation for Apple Watch by establishing a criminal digital investigation matrix.

The researcher Dawood explained that the system, which he developed, helps investigators deal with Apple Watch by collecting digital evidence quickly. This, according to the researcher, contributes to uncovering the details of crimes, and succeeds in producing reliable reports from the Watch before the legal authorities.

He added that the subject of his M.A thesis is novel as it provides an integrated matrix specialized in dealing with Apple Watch at crime scenes.

Sunday, March 12, 2023
AAUP Receives A Delegation from Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation

A delegation from Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation Chaired by Elia Shehadeh visited the Arab American University to strengthen the agreements signed by the two parties in addition to discussing ways of cooperation. The delegation was received by the Vice President for Medical Faculties Affairs Prof. Dr. Mohammad Asia and the Dean of the Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences Dr. Mohammed Amro

The University and the Society had previously signed an agreement of joint cooperation to provide the necessary training for students of medical and health faculties at the University. The agreement provides that the Society hosts students for training and provides them with a suitable environment.
