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Center News

Sunday, May 26, 2024
Defense of a Ph.D. Dissertation by Researcher Loai Muawyah Zaben in the Nursing Program

Researcher Loai Muawyah Zaben, a student in the Ph.D. program in Nursing, has defended his dissertation titled "The Relationship between Job Stress and the Perception of Patient Safety Culture among Hospital Nurses in Palestine: Insights from a Large Mixed-Method Study."

This research examined the extent to which work stress affects patient safety culture in Palestinian hospitals, with the aim of improving health care outcomes and supporting health care workers. The study used a mixed and sequential interpretive approach, where the researcher collected data through self-filled questionnaires.

Sunday, May 26, 2024
Holder of the UNESCO Chair in Data Science for Sustainable Development, Dr. Majdi Owda is Hosted as a Guest Speaker at the University of Essex in the United Kingdom

The University of Essex in the United Kingdom has hosted Dr. Majdi Owda, Dean of the Faculty of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at the Arab American University and holder of the “UNESCO Chair in Data Science for Sustainable Development,” to deliver a lecture titled: Open Science for Sustainable Development: An International Perspective .

Dr. Owda's lecture touched upon the importance of open science in sustainable development. Thus, he provided an international perspective on the collaborative efforts needed to address global challenges. He also discussed the main areas of open science and relevant actors.

Sunday, May 26, 2024
An AAUP Academician Participates in a Scientific Symposium on “Journalism During War” in Morocco

The Arab American University has participated in a scientific symposium on the reality of the work of journalism and journalists at times of crises and wars in Morocco.

The scientific symposium was organized by the “Bayt Mal Al-Quds Al-Sharif Agency” in the Moroccan capital, Rabat, on the sidelines of the distribution of awards for the second session of the “Al-Quds Al-Sharif Award for Journalistic Excellence in Development Media,” which went under the name of the late Moroccan journalist Mohamed Al Agdhaf Al Dah.

Sunday, May 26, 2024
A New Book Added to the Global Library as Part of a Series of Books Authored by Arab American University Academicians

Dr. Hussein AlAhmad, an academician at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University, has launched a new book titled “Consolidating Tyranny: The Political Echo in Arab Satellite News Media,” within the framework of academic books that address Arab conflicts and the media’s impact on them. 

In his book, Dr. AlAhmad presents a critical vision of how Arab satellite media, funded by the governments of rich countries that aspire to play a political role, influences the formation of the political scene, especially in non-democratic environments such as the Palestinian context and the Arab societies that suffer from internal conflicts.

Monday, May 20, 2024
Dr. Dalal Iriqat, Academician at the Arab American University, Participates in the Strategic Dialogue Conference between Japan and the Middle East in Amman

Dr. Dalal Iriqat, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University, has participated as a keynote speaker in the Strategic Dialogue Conference between Japan and the Middle East, which was held at the University of Jordan in Amman over two days.

The conference brought together an elite group of experts from the Middle East and Japan with the aim of supporting academic scientific discussion that contributes to supporting peace and stability as well as strengthening international partnerships in the region.

Monday, May 20, 2024
The American University of Shenandoah Hosts the Director of International Relations at the Arab American University, Dr. Lana Shehadeh

Dr. Lana Shehadeh, Director of International and Academic Relations at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University, has visited Shenandoah University in the US state of Virginia and met with the university’s president, Dr. Tracy Fitzsimmons.

The visit revolved around examining opportunities to expand academic and research cooperation at various levels between the two universities, as the university had previously signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at strengthening cooperative efforts and strengthening the international partnership between the two universities.

Monday, May 20, 2024
The AAUP Faculty of Business Holds an Online Workshop for its Students

The Management Information Systems Department at the Faculty of Business has held an online workshop for students enrolled in the Legal Issues in Management Information Systems course.

The workshop was presented by Mr. Ihab Al-Nasra, Information and Systems Quality Assurance Officer in the Information Security and Quality Assurance Unit at the University.

Sunday, May 19, 2024
Two AAUP Researchers from the Faculty of Graduate Studies Publish a Peer-Reviewed Research Article in Cooperation with the Higher School of Technology (ETS) at the Canadian University of Quebec

Students Mohammad Abu Tame’, researcher in the Master’s program in Data Science and Business Analysis, and Sari Al-Masry, researcher in the Master’s program in Artificial Intelligence at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University, have published a peer-reviewed research article in the Information - MDPI Journal with an impact factor of 3.1 titled “Transformer-Based Approach to Pathology Diagnosis Using Audio Spectrogram”

The research article was part of the machine learning course, under the supervision of Dr. Ahmed Al-Hassasneh, and in cooperation with researchers at the Ecole Supérieure de Technologie (ETS) at the University of Quebec in Montreal - Canada.

Sunday, May 19, 2024
The Arab American University and Sharek Forum Hold an Event to Award Certificates of Excellence

The Deanship of Student Affairs at the Arab American University has handed over certificates to the University students who participated in the Excellence Program and graduated from its current session.

It is noteworthy that the Tamayoz Program is an initiative of the Sharek Youth Forum in partnership with Palestinian universities. It seeks to qualify university students for the labor market through programs and events specifically designed to hone their various life skills at the personal, professional and social levels.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024
مناقشة أطروحة دكتوراة في برنامج التمريض للباحث إباء عبد الرازق دعسان

ناقش الباحث إباء عبد الرازق مصطفى دعسان في برنامج الدكتوراة في التمريض أطروحته الموسومة ب: "نموذج تنبؤ متعدد القنوات لإصابات التقرحات السريرية للمرضى البالغين في المستشفيات باستخدام تقنية تعليم الآلة دراسة تجريبية"

A Fused Multi-Channel Prediction Model of Pressure Injury for Adult Hospitalized Patients Using Machine Learning Experimental Design.

هدفت الأطروحة لبناء نموذج تنبؤ متعدد القنوات لإصابات التقرحات السريرية للمرضى البالغين في المستشفيات باستخدام تقنية تعليم الآلة والذكاء الاصطناعي. وقد شملت الدراسة 45,990 عينة وقد شملت معطيات العينات ما يصل إلى أكثر من مليون وتسعمئة ألف مدخل، وهي أول دراسة من نوعها في الشرق الأوسط، وقد نجحت الدراسة بإنتاج نموذج علمي وعملي يمكن البدء باستخدامه مما يساهم في تحسين جودة الخدمات التمريضية وسلامة المريض.

أشرف على الرسالة د. أماني عودة والمشرف المشارك أ.د. محمد آسيا، وضمت لجنة الممتحنين كلاً من: البروفسور محمد القادري والدكتور محمد البشتاوي والدكتور عماد فشافشة.


Sunday, May 26, 2024
Defense of a Ph.D. Dissertation by Researcher Loai Muawyah Zaben in the Nursing Program

Researcher Loai Muawyah Zaben, a student in the Ph.D. program in Nursing, has defended his dissertation titled "The Relationship between Job Stress and the Perception of Patient Safety Culture among Hospital Nurses in Palestine: Insights from a Large Mixed-Method Study."

This research examined the extent to which work stress affects patient safety culture in Palestinian hospitals, with the aim of improving health care outcomes and supporting health care workers. The study used a mixed and sequential interpretive approach, where the researcher collected data through self-filled questionnaires.

Sunday, May 26, 2024
Holder of the UNESCO Chair in Data Science for Sustainable Development, Dr. Majdi Owda is Hosted as a Guest Speaker at the University of Essex in the United Kingdom

The University of Essex in the United Kingdom has hosted Dr. Majdi Owda, Dean of the Faculty of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at the Arab American University and holder of the “UNESCO Chair in Data Science for Sustainable Development,” to deliver a lecture titled: Open Science for Sustainable Development: An International Perspective .

Dr. Owda's lecture touched upon the importance of open science in sustainable development. Thus, he provided an international perspective on the collaborative efforts needed to address global challenges. He also discussed the main areas of open science and relevant actors.

Sunday, May 26, 2024
An AAUP Academician Participates in a Scientific Symposium on “Journalism During War” in Morocco

The Arab American University has participated in a scientific symposium on the reality of the work of journalism and journalists at times of crises and wars in Morocco.

The scientific symposium was organized by the “Bayt Mal Al-Quds Al-Sharif Agency” in the Moroccan capital, Rabat, on the sidelines of the distribution of awards for the second session of the “Al-Quds Al-Sharif Award for Journalistic Excellence in Development Media,” which went under the name of the late Moroccan journalist Mohamed Al Agdhaf Al Dah.

Sunday, May 26, 2024
A New Book Added to the Global Library as Part of a Series of Books Authored by Arab American University Academicians

Dr. Hussein AlAhmad, an academician at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University, has launched a new book titled “Consolidating Tyranny: The Political Echo in Arab Satellite News Media,” within the framework of academic books that address Arab conflicts and the media’s impact on them. 

In his book, Dr. AlAhmad presents a critical vision of how Arab satellite media, funded by the governments of rich countries that aspire to play a political role, influences the formation of the political scene, especially in non-democratic environments such as the Palestinian context and the Arab societies that suffer from internal conflicts.

Monday, May 20, 2024
Dr. Dalal Iriqat, Academician at the Arab American University, Participates in the Strategic Dialogue Conference between Japan and the Middle East in Amman

Dr. Dalal Iriqat, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University, has participated as a keynote speaker in the Strategic Dialogue Conference between Japan and the Middle East, which was held at the University of Jordan in Amman over two days.

The conference brought together an elite group of experts from the Middle East and Japan with the aim of supporting academic scientific discussion that contributes to supporting peace and stability as well as strengthening international partnerships in the region.

Monday, May 20, 2024
The American University of Shenandoah Hosts the Director of International Relations at the Arab American University, Dr. Lana Shehadeh

Dr. Lana Shehadeh, Director of International and Academic Relations at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University, has visited Shenandoah University in the US state of Virginia and met with the university’s president, Dr. Tracy Fitzsimmons.

The visit revolved around examining opportunities to expand academic and research cooperation at various levels between the two universities, as the university had previously signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at strengthening cooperative efforts and strengthening the international partnership between the two universities.

Monday, May 20, 2024
The AAUP Faculty of Business Holds an Online Workshop for its Students

The Management Information Systems Department at the Faculty of Business has held an online workshop for students enrolled in the Legal Issues in Management Information Systems course.

The workshop was presented by Mr. Ihab Al-Nasra, Information and Systems Quality Assurance Officer in the Information Security and Quality Assurance Unit at the University.

Sunday, May 19, 2024
Two AAUP Researchers from the Faculty of Graduate Studies Publish a Peer-Reviewed Research Article in Cooperation with the Higher School of Technology (ETS) at the Canadian University of Quebec

Students Mohammad Abu Tame’, researcher in the Master’s program in Data Science and Business Analysis, and Sari Al-Masry, researcher in the Master’s program in Artificial Intelligence at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University, have published a peer-reviewed research article in the Information - MDPI Journal with an impact factor of 3.1 titled “Transformer-Based Approach to Pathology Diagnosis Using Audio Spectrogram”

The research article was part of the machine learning course, under the supervision of Dr. Ahmed Al-Hassasneh, and in cooperation with researchers at the Ecole Supérieure de Technologie (ETS) at the University of Quebec in Montreal - Canada.

Sunday, May 19, 2024
The Arab American University and Sharek Forum Hold an Event to Award Certificates of Excellence

The Deanship of Student Affairs at the Arab American University has handed over certificates to the University students who participated in the Excellence Program and graduated from its current session.

It is noteworthy that the Tamayoz Program is an initiative of the Sharek Youth Forum in partnership with Palestinian universities. It seeks to qualify university students for the labor market through programs and events specifically designed to hone their various life skills at the personal, professional and social levels.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024
مناقشة أطروحة دكتوراة في برنامج التمريض للباحث إباء عبد الرازق دعسان

ناقش الباحث إباء عبد الرازق مصطفى دعسان في برنامج الدكتوراة في التمريض أطروحته الموسومة ب: "نموذج تنبؤ متعدد القنوات لإصابات التقرحات السريرية للمرضى البالغين في المستشفيات باستخدام تقنية تعليم الآلة دراسة تجريبية"

A Fused Multi-Channel Prediction Model of Pressure Injury for Adult Hospitalized Patients Using Machine Learning Experimental Design.

هدفت الأطروحة لبناء نموذج تنبؤ متعدد القنوات لإصابات التقرحات السريرية للمرضى البالغين في المستشفيات باستخدام تقنية تعليم الآلة والذكاء الاصطناعي. وقد شملت الدراسة 45,990 عينة وقد شملت معطيات العينات ما يصل إلى أكثر من مليون وتسعمئة ألف مدخل، وهي أول دراسة من نوعها في الشرق الأوسط، وقد نجحت الدراسة بإنتاج نموذج علمي وعملي يمكن البدء باستخدامه مما يساهم في تحسين جودة الخدمات التمريضية وسلامة المريض.

أشرف على الرسالة د. أماني عودة والمشرف المشارك أ.د. محمد آسيا، وضمت لجنة الممتحنين كلاً من: البروفسور محمد القادري والدكتور محمد البشتاوي والدكتور عماد فشافشة.
